Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what's a mom to do?

I go up to Cody's school to help out today and get the opportunity to eat lunch with him. I have to say that I just don't know what to do to get the kid to eat anything that isn't loaded in sugar... here is what he had for lunch-
*a huge container of yogurt- it had 32g of sugar in it!
*a container as big as his yogurt of frozen flavored ice- can you only imagine the sugar grams in that one...
*a serving of mixed fruit- loaded in sugar as well
*sliced apples with cinnamon yogurt flavored dip
*an oats and honey granola bar...
OH and instead of milk- he was allowed fruit juice!
Now don't get me wrong- I realize it could be worse. They give the kids options but shouldn't they be made to get one item from each food category? (A meat, vegetable, bread, fruit... and so on.)
Yes I could pack his lunch but that would be a sandwich and chips everyday- pb&j b/c he will not eat any other sandwiches.
SO, help me out- any ideas on how to get this kids to put something else into his mouth BESIDES sugar?

2 comments posted...click to read what they say.:

Ann said...

I think I'd still send a PBJ with him every day! Or at least a PB!

Maybe help him understand his choices- I mean, yeah, he's a young boy and probably could care less, but if you show him that a lot of his choices are fruit, and tell him that you expect him to make better choices, it might at least cross his mind!

We did a whole unit on the food pyramid with our 3rd graders at the beginning of the school year, and they still seem to get it and remember! We talk every day about making a "rainbow" on our plate. As a teacher, I'd like to see them with a grain; a meat OR milk; and then a fruit OR veggie. So a PBJ and some mixed fruit with a slice of cheese from the deli bar is cool with me!

When will you all be in Charleston?

The Griffith Family said...

I did have a long talk with him once he got home on that day. They get to choose 1 of 4 entree choices and 2 of 4 sides for lunch. I have started circling on the menu what he has to choose at school to eat. Yea I know- he can still steer away from what he's suppose to choose but I put a little scare in him and gave him the "mommy look" and said that I will find out everything some how- some day so he better make the choice I say the day. Otherwise- he's eating pb sandwiches... I forgot all about the rainbow thing with the food groups. I've talked to others about it and I seem to be getting this... "well it's better than french fries, chicken nuggets, pizza, and so on that WE ADULTS cringe at when it's served... but you have to know that my son could use some of that fattening stuff and not so much all the sugar in take he's getting. It's been a loosing battle with him since the day we could talk back and forth. I even went as far as to tell him he's going to end up having to drink Pediasure- or being a diabetic... Thanks for your feedback.