FOOTBALL IS OVER................. WOOHOO!!! It has been fun this season but so time consuming. But, then again- what sport isn't time consuming. Our last game was on Saturday. The forecast was 100% rain, temps in the 50's with the wind blowing 10-15 mph. NOPE they did not cancell our what was suppose to be our last home game with the cheerleaders FINALLY- they made arrangements for us to meet the opposing team at their home field b/c they have a turf field and playing conditions on that field would be great (do ya hear my sarcasm here?) I wonder who didn't stop to think about the monsoon that was predicted for the day. We arrive- get out and what an experience. These little boys are playing in pouring down rain- ok maybe not DOWN but SIDEWAYS b/c the wind was strong. It didn't take long and they were soaked from head to toe... parents all walked around stiffened b/c their clothes were dripping. My blue jeans were soaked so bad that it was dripping into my waterproof boots- making them NOT WATERPROOF any longer. My ski coat was dripping at the cuffs and my shirt I had on was stretching out b/c it was getting wet as well. OH and an umbrella was no good. You wouldn't believe how many were already stacked into the garbage from the previous games that attempted to use them. WHAT A MISERABLE DAY- and I won't even go into how the turn out for the game was- not sure what was worse- the weather or the game? We will be enjoying at least two weeks of down time b/f soccer season starts...
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